"Its OK"
- That I have been enjoying some incredibly beautiful weather. I am so glad winter is over!
-That it is spring and that means the birds are back attacking my sliding doors. Its OK because I know they are just protecting their nests in the trees surrounding my deck.
see him on the railing just waiting to make his move?
notice the nice claw marks I have to clean off of my window?
see him on the railing just waiting to make his move?
notice the nice claw marks I have to clean off of my window?
-That my daughter and I went to trivia night at our local tavern and only made it through one round. We wanted to go and dance instead.
-That my daughter and I encountered this while out shopping. This is in fact a man. I have no words for this.
The man is on the right
The man is on the right
-That when I went to get my car inspection sticker yesterday, an older gentleman insisted I go before him. The older gentleman that was going to inspect my car said "I would rather look at a smiling girl than an old man any day" I said, "So would I". I am glad I could make him laugh. I knew he had a good sense of humor.
-That at our local grocery store the more you buy, the more points you get to save money at their gas station. It is always a race in my house to see who gets to use the gas points. I usually win (probably because I threaten sudden death to anyone who uses them) and of course I send everyone a picture to let them know I have won.
-That I had to turn down and overnight trip to Montreal. If it were a longer trip I would have been disappointed that I couldnt go. I love Montreal.
-That my daughter not only ordered, but bought some clothes for me (and herself of course) from a catalog we were looking at. What a good kid.
-That my favorite baby got her first haircut and looks adorable. She was not too happy during the process however.
-That I am in awe of my 94 year old Nana. She is staying with my parents for a week while my aunt and uncle are off celebrating their anniversary. She lives down the street from my aunt and they wanted her to have some company, so they brought her to my parents. It is not that she cant care for herself. She still lives alone, drives and still exercises. She is more like a 60 year old (and looks like a 60 year old). I love going to visit my parents when she is there. I just hope I have her genes.
-That while visiting my parents, I was looking around my mothers house for ideas for Mothers Day. For birthdays and Mothers Day etc, sometimes I would make up baskets of beauty supplies for my mom. I asked her if she needed shampoo or anything and she started carrying out boxes with all of my previous gift baskets. She had so much we could open our own beauty supply. She had a few of the bottles written on with marker that said wash, leave in 2-5 minutes, rinse. I asked her who wrote that and she said she didn't know. It turns out, she didn't know what to do with a lot of the things or had trouble reading the bottles. I told her to get me some post its, tape and a marker. I labelled everything and wrote specific instructions on what to do with it. It took me an hour. A note to my children, if there ever comes a day that I don't know what to do with a beauty product....You need to do something about me.
-That I love spring and summer because it gives me a reason to have sherbet. It is also artichoke season Yeah!
-That I have been changing up my black wearing ways. I try to wear color every day.
-That my excuse for not walking or going to the gym with my daughter is that I need new sneakers. Maybe I will go get some today....
-That my favorite time of day, well one of my favorite times of day besides happy hour, is doing face time with my favorite baby. Sometimes she is chatty, sometimes she hits the phone and likes to hang up on me but at least I get to see her. She is truly adorable. She has quite the little personality.
-That I actually had the energy to write today. Every Thursday my daughter comes home and calls me "lame" when I forget to post my "Its OK Thursday". She enjoys them apparently.
-That I actually had the energy to write today. Every Thursday my daughter comes home and calls me "lame" when I forget to post my "Its OK Thursday". She enjoys them apparently.
-That I am repetitive sometimes. It is not easy getting older.
Have a great Thursday!