Thursday, July 26, 2012

Its "OK" Thursday 7/26

Its Ok Thursdays

I am linking up again with with Neely: A Complete Waste of Makeup and Amber: Brunch With
Amber Click the button above to visit and link up too!

Today just happens to be "Its OK" Thursdays one year anniversary! I feel like I should be lighting a candle or something while I am writing this. Thank you to Amber and Neely for hosting such a fun linkup!

"Its OK"

- That it looks like its going to pour.  I am still going on my walk today.

- That I have been walking the high school track. The first six laps are the worst. I feel like I want to stop. A spongy track and shape up sneakers make for sore shins. Once I get past the six laps, I could go forever. My butt better look good after all of this is all I am saying.

- That I found a great pedometer app.

- That when I got to the track, I texted my husband and told him there was a coyote and I couldn't walk it. He told me it was a decoy. I knew that I just wanted to see if he thought I was serious.

this thing is actually pretty creepy up close. It also looks like someone staked it "trueblood" style.

- That my daughters boyfriend was here over the weekend. I put a skirt in the car before going to the driving range. He was due to arrive while we were out.  I put the skirt on in the garage just before entering the house so that he would think I went to the driving range like that.  I knew he was probably thinking "is my girlfriends mother a nut?"(we all know the answer to that and its yes).  Everybody else was in on the joke.This went on for about 10 minutes and he wouldn't look directly at the skirt. I finally couldn't take it anymore and I asked him if he seriously thought I went out like that. He said he thought it was nice  It had sparkles and tulle, really? I had it on with sneakers and a tank top.  I really had to prod him. He is just too polite.

- That I sent my mother this picture of my daughters boyfriend. She is using it as her phone screen saver. That's right, not a  picture of her children, grand children or great grand children. My daughters boyfriend. Really mom?

- That I am so excited to see my favorite little princess. She arrives on Wednesday. We are going to have so much fun with her!

- That my daughter started her new job on Monday. She commutes to the city every day. We placed bets on when she would crash, not being able to nap and do what she wants. I won the bet. I said Tuesday. Tuesday I received this text from her.

- That although I realize my daughter is a young lady, I treated her like she was starting her first day of kindergarten in terms of getting her ready for her job. I took her to the grocery store to make sure she had snacks to bring to work. I made sure she had a sturdy bag to carry things back and forth. I went through my things to see what I could give her to wear in the corporate world. I am trying to get her to organize everything to make her life easier. 

- That this was the text I received on Wednesday from her She will get used to it eventually.

- That this is the second day in a row that I have the house to myself. It rarely happens. To bad I have to go to work later.

- That this is what I typically walk into at work. Full loads of laundry and plenty in the basket.  I actually don't mind doing it because I miss not having as much laundry to do at home. I tell all of the girls not to touch the laundry. Its mine.

- That we are having my daughters graduation party next weekend and I am still not ready for it.

- That my tomato plants are unbelievable this year. Its pretty sad that with all of the room I have to grow things that I am relegated to growing things on my deck. If the chipmunks are just waiting for my tomato's to ripen like they usually do, they are in for a rude awakening. I will string them up by their tails.

- That my talking scale no longer talks. Is it because it has no batteries or did I "accidentally" break it. You be the judge.

Happy Thursday!


  1. you were being very carrie bradshaw in your tulle skirt and tank top!!

  2. First job or first day of school - it still brings out the mama in us. Loved that story and I am right there with you :-)

  3. Love that you are always a "mom" first. :) I wanted to go home and watch Dance Moms too! (my daughter turned me on to the show and we LOVE it).

    Way to rock that track!

    Decoy - WTF?

    Skirt story = priceless!

  4. Lol... your skirt story cracked me up. Poor guy! :)

  5. Love the skirt story! And your mom? Priceless! We have started our pre sons wedding diet this week. Once this heat breaks I plan on starting to walk at night after work. You inspired me :-)

  6. *that should say sons pre-wedding diet.

  7. Hahaha, that poor guy! I love the skirt story. And I think it's hilarious that your mom has your daughter's bf as her screen saver. Have a great day!

  8. Love your It's Ok posts :) They always make me smile!

    Also, I "gave" you a blog award...since you make me smile!
