Monday, March 5, 2012

Winter weekends

As much as I love the warm weather and being outside on weekends, I love winter weekends as well.
After I get anything I need done around the house and prepare for my big work day, I love to relax.  I got a few big projects done this weekend so it felt good.

A roaring fire

A nice glass of wine

TV show catch up. I watched old episodes of True Blood yesterday. LOVE Lafayette!
I also got to watch Blue Eyed Butcher. Good movie. I wasn't about to miss it like I missed the Drew Peterson movie. I actually knew about the case from watching Snapped. Anybody else like Snapped?

Extra hang time with the husband. He would only watch True Blood with me. He boycotts anything Lifetime. He calls it the man hating channel. I also think he is afraid when I watch a "Snapped" marathon.

I hope everyone has a great week! It may hit low 60s here later this week! Yeah! 


  1. What a beautiful post! Sadly, my weekend was nothing like that (my small children make it that way...), but I lived vicariously for a few moments through your post ;-)

    Have a great week!

  2. I recorded the Blue Eyed Butcher - haven't watched it yet! How was it?? My sister LOVES Snapped!

  3. lucky you...relaxing, uneventful weekends are the best!! that is so funny what your husband says about that TV channel!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    60 here too!

  4. My boyfriend hates Lifetime too. You two are a very beautiful couple!
